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About ForConsult


FORCONSULT is an independent consulting firm of the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) established in 1993. SUA was established on 1st July by Parliament Act No. 6 of 1984 which was later repealed by the Universities Act No 7 of 2005 and replaced by SUA Charter and Rules of 2007. The Charter mandates SUA to provide opportunities for acquisition and development of knowledge, through training, research, outreach and public services in the areas of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural resources, Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Science management and allied sciences.

The unit was therefore established and operates as per Article 5 section ‘n’ under Objects and Functions of the University.

“…to cooperate, offer consultancy and advisory services to the Government of the United Republic, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, the people of Tanzania and any person or body of persons within or outside the United Republic to secure the planned and orderly development and application of agricultural and allied sciences, and for the better performance of the function of the University”.


FORCONSULT offers advisory services in the areas of forestry, beekeeping, wildlife management, rural development and environmental related fields through commissioned consultancies and contracted research and development projects.


The unit draws its consultants from a pool of well qualified and trained faculty members of SUA depending on the requirements of the assignment. Currently there are about 80 consultants, 60% of them are PhD holders. This is the largest pool of experts in natural resources and environmental research in sub-Saharan Africa.


FORCONSULT has close contact/cooperation with other consultancy groups and individuals within and outside Tanzania. This cooperation has enabled the unit to offer services not only related to Forestry, Beekeeping and Wildlife but also to a wide range of agriculture and environment related projects in Tanzania and in other African countries.

See some of the Assignments carried out by ForConsult
