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REDD literature

Name of Client: FAO, FBD

Prof. E.J Luoga; Dr. Dos Santos Silayo; Dr. Josiah Katani; Dr. Suzana Augustino and Mr. Ernest  Mauya

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:
The main objective of the consultancy work is to gather all REDD related literature and land use information relevant for REDD in Tanzania and make it available for linking up with National Forestry and Beekeeping Database (NAFOBEDA).

The specific objectives of the assignment are:
1. to gather, review and  systemize all national REDD+ related literatures
2. to collect all available land use related information such as datasets, maps, satellite imageries, and aerial photos.
3. to make the output of the research available for use by the Government and other relevant stakeholders

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by our Staff:

Collect all REDD and Land use related information for Tanzania
Package the information
Prepare a database of all collected information
to make the output of the research available for use by the Government and other relevant stakeholders

The outputs of this consultancy included:
A report containing annotated bibliography of all national REDD literature and land use information relevant for Tanzania.
Making available an electronic collection of all literatures relevant for REDD in Tanzania
Making available an electronic collection and or hard copies of all maps satellite imageries and aerial photos relevant for REDD in Tanzania.

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