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July 3, 2013


Name of Client : REDD Secretariat Consultants: Prof. Rogers Malimbwi, Dr. Eliakim Zahabu, Prof. SMS Maliondo and Dr. Jumanne Adallah Detailed Narrative Description of Project:There were little or no information on what projects, have been undertaken and where they have been implemented. The project sought to answer these questions through a detailed review of existing carbon trading...
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Name of Client :REDD Secretariat Consultants: Prof. Saidi Iddi , Dr. Suzana Augustino, Dr. Herman Mwageni, Dr. Hamud Majamba and Mr. Ully Kakumbula Specific objectives To identify modalities of establishment of trust funds  To identify organizational structure of the trust funds To identify institutional arrangement for the f trust funds To identify sources and uses of funds...
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Name of Client : UNDP/UNREDD, FBD Consultants: Dr. Dos Santos Silayo, Prof. PTK Munishi, Dr. Adam BS Mwakalobo and Mr. Deo Shirima In Collaboration with Camco Advisory Services (T) Ltd Detailed Narrative Description of Project:The main objectives of the assignment were (i) to provide the MNRT, Forestry and Beekeeping Division (FBD) and Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) with a better...
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Name of Client: FAO, FBD Consultants:Prof. E.J Luoga; Dr. Dos Santos Silayo; Dr. Josiah Katani; Dr. Suzana Augustino and Mr. Ernest  Mauya Detailed Narrative Description of Project:The main objective of the consultancy work is to gather all REDD related literature and land use information relevant for REDD in Tanzania and make it available for linking up...
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